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Become a member

You want to join the association!

Members are individuals and families with a loved one who share the values of the association, its vision and its mission. Members form the legitimacy of the association.

Who can join?
Any major individual who is up-to-date in his or her assessment may be a member.

Why join?

If you want to contribute to the fight against Neurodegenerescence (BPAN), you can hire yourself as a member. 

As a member, you are the voice of the association in your family, friendly or professional environment. You become an actor in the fight against this disease in the world. 

By joining, you can contribute in a number of ways according to your means, knowledge, personal interests, networks. It is also possible to participate in reflections, events and activities.

The members belong to the general assembly of the association. They participate once a year in order to vote on the activity and financial reports and the budget for the new financial year. At this general meeting, members may also be invited to elect the new members of the association's board of directors.

As a result, the member may require that the association comply with the commitments made in the statute. This member thus benefits from the association's services.

How can I join?
To become a member, please enter your e-mail address.
E-mail :
We will send you an e-mail with the association's statutes. All you need to do is fill it out and return it by mail, accompanied by the contribution.