As a graduate student at Bordeaux University, Dr Jean-Paul Lasserre showed the existence of a second DNA polymerase in yeast mitochondria (using affinity chromatography). During several post-doctoral studies in Paris and Luxembourg, he became an expert in proteomics and developed new methodologies for whole cell protein complexes isolation, which he exploited to measure the effects of pesticides and PCB on human cell. Ten years ago, he was recruited as a permanent Assistant Professor at the faculty of Pharmacy of Bordeaux University, and affiliated to the research group at the Institute of Cellular Genetics and Biochemistry (IBGC), a worldwide-recognized research center on mitochondria often referred to as the French School of Bioenergetics. In this group, his research activities were totally dedicated to the study of mitochondrial disease using yeast as a model system with a strong focus on the Barth Syndrome. he wrote a comprehensive review on this topic that was published in Disease Models and Mechanisms and two articles published in Microbial Cell and Disease Models and Mechanisms. he supervised a PhD student (De Taffin De Tilques Maxence), supported by the French Ministry of Education and Research, whose work was entirely dedicated to the study of the Barth Syndrome and the search of potential therapeutic pathways (2014-2017). In 2018, he changed and he joined the INSERM U1211 team (MRGM : Rare Disease, Genetic and Metabolism). He has been recruited as expert of yeast-based pharmacological studies for develop the yeast model for mitochondrial disease as BPAN. Since 2019, with the support of Autour du BPAN association, he continue to work on the BPAN pathologie and recently (since 2022), he followed the clinicians and they have joined the INCIA (Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d'Aquitaine).